Thursday, January 6, 2011

An unfamiliar apostle

I am enthralled with the story of Stephen. His story is told in Acts 6-7 and he is often thought to be the first Christian martyr. At this time in church history, the disciples faced a problem. You see, some widows were unintentionally being neglected. Due to the growing need, the disciples decided to find seven helpers that were “full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom.” (Acts 6:3) Among the seven chosen was this humble servant names Stephen. With this added assistance, the word of God spread throughout the nation. As the disciples grew in number, the fury of their enemies only escalated. It seemed this small group of Christ lovers did not disband as they expected.

In chapter six verse eight Luke writes that Stephen was “full of faith and power.” Not only that, but he performed marvelous wonders. There is no doubt that this man was after God’s own heart. So much so, that he made some people mad. Usually that happens when we are in the middle of God’s will. Some dissidents from the Synagogue of the Freedmen spoke voraciously against Stephen, but “they were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke.” (6:10) As his enemies stirred up false testimonies and spread the word against God’s servant, Stephen found himself facing his foes. As this man addressed his opponents his face began to glow like an angel. Can you imagine? How can you argue with someone that is glowing? Stephen then begins his holy tirade – I guess we can say he was righteously indignant. He throws scripture in their face – calling them a stiff necked people. As he retorted the Old Testament truths the malevolent crowd plugged their ears and charged at him. Saul collected their coats as they stoned this prophet to death.

What a story! There are so many truths that are intertwined in this narrative. Stephen displayed what it truly means to be a follower of Christ. He was so entrenched in God’s word there was no denying that he was different. Just one look at his face and people saw that Christ spilled from his pores. As I tell my youth, he oozed Jesus. He opened his mouth and God came out – in such a way that his enemies could not help but plug their ears! The Holy Spirit filled him until he glowed. What an example. I can only imagine that every time Stephen met with someone, they could not help but encounter a living God. He oozed Jesus – he was so filled to the brim that he could not help but spill Jesus out of his mouth – out of his pores – out of his face – until death dealt its final blow.
I cannot help but wonder, is that true about me? Is that true about the church today? Is that true about you? Are we so engrossed in God that we exude Christ? Can people see Christ in us without even getting to know us? I want to ooze Jesus. Now please do not misunderstand me – I have no desire to be a holier than though, nose in the air Christian. I want the true Jesus. The Jesus that loved everyone – that brought about change without demonizing. The Jesus that loved his neighbors even more than himself. I want people to see that in me – and in the church. I know this will make people uneasy – the truth always causes the enemy to rise up against us – but what a great change we could bring! You see I think this is what Christ wants for us. He wants a relationship with us in which we are so entrenched in the word that we cannot help but exude the love of Christ. Maybe, someday, our face will even glow.

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