Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The great I AM

Last Sunday we were talking to our youth about how great our God is. As Jason taught, I realized that it is easy to forget what an awesome God we serve. Not only do we serve a God who hung the stars in the sky - but a God who knows the number of hairs on our head. A God who placed earth on the perfect axis - one degree off and we would burn or freeze. The minute intricacies of our body speaks to the nature of our God.

The awe only grows as we see the numerous prophecies fulfilled in the Bible. What an awesome God we serve! A God who is I Am the Alpha and Omega - an omnipotent God that chooses to call us friends.

Louie Giglio, a passionate servant of the Lord, speaks on the wonders of the protein Laminin. This is the glue that holds our bodies together. This tiny, microscopic protein is imperative to our well being and it just so happens to be in the shape of a cross. Check this out :

What a mighty God we serve.

This same magnificent God yearns to do awesome things in our lives. We just have to turn ourselves over - lay our lives down so God can shape us and mold us in a way that only a loving, omniscient, powerful Lord can.

1 comment:

  1. 1 colossians 15-20

    erin, this is a great blog!

