Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lessons from a long day....

Today has been a long day. Not your normal kind of day - one of those ridiculously drawn out days. As I begrudgingly rolled out of bed this morning I barely fixed my hair and did not even touch my make up. Hopefully the people I ran into weren't too scared! Then at work the second hand leisurely moved around the clock as I fulfilled my 8-4 obligations. Upon clocking out I warmed up some food and headed off to church to work on painting the youth rooms. Now that I am home, I can barely even keep my eyes open. I am exhausted! In my dreary state, I realized I have not even taken five minutes to pray, read my Bible, or even think about God. I am the queen of taking on "good activities" and forgetting to leave time for the most important things.

Throughout scripture we read about Jesus going off by himself to meditate. In Luke 6:12 Jesus spends and entire night talking to God. Later in his life, we read about Jesus sweating blood as he is praying in the garden, and other times he goes across the Sea of Galilee for some alone time. Lets not forget that he spent forty days fasting and praying. This example set by Jesus is such a far cry from our fast paced lives. From the time our feet hit the floor to the late hours when we finally have the chance to shut our eyes, we are going. Where is God in all of that? How can God answer our prayer, or how can we draw close to God, if we don't make time for that relationship?

Martin Luther said, "I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer." Can you imagine spending the first three hours of each day in prayer and meditation? Not only that, but Martin Luther lived an excessively busy life. He was so occupied in fact, that he saw the need to rely on God to get him through the day.

As I examine my life, I realize that maybe if I set aside time every day specifically for God, then my days would be fueled by God rather than myself. If we took the initiative to lay our time at the foot of our heavenly Father, we could accomplish more than imaginable. God has such great plans for you and me. Missions that can never be completed in our power. The only problem is that we allow ourselves and the world to get in the way. Through giving to God the time which is His anyways, we will receive the power and strength to do what we are called to do. If only it was easy to get up earlier - to make more time - or abandon our busyness. Although it is excessively difficult, if we take simple steps to dedicate our time to God than our lives will be greatly enhanced through doing His will.

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