Lately, as often happens, I have become my own worst enemy. The other day a devout Christian friend of mine uttered a statement that really opened my eyes. He simply said – Satan believes in you. I thought about it for a minute, they seemed like such harsh words to me. Then I realized that those few words are full of truth. If Satan did not believe in the things we could do through God, why would he need to attack us? Why would Satan be threatened if it were not true that we are more than conquerors through Christ? Therefore, it seems that often the biggest opponents to us are us.
We can see this time and again in the Bible We know the story of Moses who begged God to not choose him. In Exodus 3 we see Moses giving a desperate defense to God – but God you know I cannot speak, but God what if they do not believe me, but God I am just Moses. In 1Samuel 10 we find Saul hiding in the baggage because he is afraid to be king. Although Saul failed to follow the tenets of God, God chose him to be king and he desperately fought against the calling. Even in the New Testament we see the disciples run in fear, and Peter denied Jesus three times. We do not grasp the power of God in us and often hide in terror because we know the truth of ourselves; we know our humanity and failings. We forget that it is not our efforts, but Gods. So I have been wondering, what is it we are supposed to do? We are not all called to be pastors, missionaries, evangelists or worship leaders. But we are all called to glorify God in every aspect of our lives.
In Matthew 25 we find the parable of the talents. In this story, a master gives his servants different amounts of money. Two servants invest and double the return while one hides the talents in fear of losing them. Upon return, the master scolds the third and praises the first two. The latter servant receives nothing and the master took his single talent and gave it to those that invested. In Matthew 25: 29-30 we read, “For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” I just wonder, what has God given you? We do not all have money, but we do have gifts.
Luke 12:48b says, “For everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be required.” Where are you in this parable? Are you investing God’s gifts, taking a stand to make a difference with what you have been given? Are you Moses or Saul, running scared from the call God has on your life? Maybe you are burying your talents in the sand. God has a call on all of our lives. It can be big and small, but it will make an impact. Rather it be crafts, singing, writing, or just listening we cannot hide in the baggage and let someone else stand up. We have all been entrusted with something – your response is demanded.
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