Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Humble Servant

As I read this morning, I came across Daniel 10. In this chapter Daniel sees a vision –  a revelation so intense that he mourned for three weeks. In this vision, Daniel saw a man and became stricken with fear causing him to “fall into a deep sleep.” Can you imagine? You know, I used to be afraid to see angels because every time people in the Bible see them, the messenger has to say “don’t be afraid.” I thought I could just save my fear, and pray to God not to send me an angel – probably the strongest prayer I ever prayed as a child was dear Lord Jesus, PUHLEEEZZZZ do not send me an angel tonight – I am so scared!  And clearly, Daniel is so terrified he falls into a deep sleep until the man who appeared to him touched him and woke him up. The man then goes on to say in verse twelve, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.” This verse hit me like a dagger in the heart – God heard Daniel once he humbled himself and sought to gain understanding.
I don’t know about you, but often I set off into my prayers and say what I should say, and forget to humble myself and truly seek to gain the understanding only God can give. The implication in this verse is that there was a time when Daniel did not humble himself, but upon humbling himself Daniels prayers became pleasing to God.  Let’s seek to truly humble ourselves and seek divine wisdom and understanding so that our lives and prayers become a pleasing sacrifice to God – one that God both hears and blesses.
The truth is, God is yearning to work miracles with our lives – to bring us to our fullest potential. The problem is that to be able to do this, we must humble ourselves and seek God’s understanding. It was only at this point that Daniel became the man of God he was, and God heard and responded to him.  It is only at this point that God can make us into new creations. To truly embody the Christ like life, we have to humble ourselves and seek God’s wisdom. We can go to church three days a week, pray every morning and night, and serve countless hours, but if we withhold our hearts it is useless. God wants you – every cell of you – unadulterated and surrendered to his perfect wisdom.

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